
Our Year In 2020

Who could have imagined that this past year would be so full of change and uncertainty? The world has experienced a collective sense of instability that has shaken up our industry and forced fashion brands to adapt to an unprecedented way of working. Somehow, in the midst of all this, Amschela has survived and even thrived. Here’s a quick recap of what we got up to in 2020…

Our First Vegan Collection

The launch of the Thais Vegan Croc Mini marked the first step in our journey towards becoming a fully vegan brand. Our SS20 collection is 100% PETA Approved and adored by celebrities and influencers alike. Naomi Isted, Denise Parkinson and Sarah Mulindwa are just a few of the names who have been snapped with an Amschela bag by their side.

Designer Members of the British Fashion Council 

We were incredibly honoured to be awarded designer membership to the British Fashion Council, formalising our role as an emerging talent within the fashion industry and providing us with further opportunities to learn and grow as a brand.

Awards & Nominations

Over the summer, we received the award for Luxury Accessories Retailer at the Bristol Prestige Awards. Our CEO and Founder Keri Andriana was later nominated at the 2020 Fashion Awards, recognising her as a fashion change maker and a designer to watch out for. After losing her job and her home, Keri launched the brand that has now become Amschela and these accolades show just how far we have come in such a short space of time. Resilience, courage and creativity are at the heart of everything we do.

TV Features

After the popularity of our first ITV Win feature, we were invited back for a special edition of their giveaway competition in celebration of Black History Month. We also become the official sponsors of Sky TV’s At Home With Hayley, which marked our first ever TV advertisement.

Film Features

Amschela has officially hit the big screens. We’re so excited have our Thais Vegan Croc Mini featured in On The Other Foot, directed by the award-winning Fredi Nwaka. The placement of our products in this film is even more meaningful given that it tackles important themes such as racism and showcases some incredible talent from the creative industries.

Giving Back To The Community

This year, your continued support has meant that we’ve been able to find new ways to give back to the local community. We’re a small and independent brand, but we like to use what resources we do have to ensure we’re making a positive impact on the world both through what we say and what we do. We use our platform to share messages of female empowerment, to engage with social and environmental issues, and to support other small businesses that share our ethical values. In addition to this, we undertook a mentoring role with the university to nurture young talent, created opportunities for recent graduates and several members of our team even enrolled as NHS volunteers in the height of the pandemic.

New Year, New Outlook?

As we embark on the new year and look to the future, we are optimistic about where we’re headed in 2021. We’ve got some exciting projects in the works, which we can’t wait to share with you, and we’re continuing to invest time and energy into our brand’s vegan overhaul. And, most importantly, we’re so grateful for the support of our community of Amschela Women. We couldn’t have done it without you!